Wolf Craft is Five!!!
40% of businesses fail within the first three years, 49.9% within five years.
Today we can say that we’re beating the odds as we celebrate five years of running Wolf Craft!
It started with simple idea and a phone call that went like this:
March 2020
Nora: Hey Kirsten, with everything shutting down maybe now is the time to build out that PDF to help folks get into gift guides and try to sell it.
Kirsten: Hey Nora, I’ve heard you talk about this for a while, and I think there is something bigger here. Let’s work on this together.
On that phone call we turned a nugget of an idea into a whole a la cart PR business.
Ultimately, we wanted Wolf Craft to help creative brands get big press. And after 5 years, we’re thrilled to say the a la cart PR model we’ve built works!
As you can see by this fun gif that’s just a small selection of press wins over the years. All of which our clients have secured for themselves.
As part of our five-year reflection, we did the humbling and truly exciting exercise of tallying up all the folks who’ve worked with us.
Here are the numbers!
Businesses have done our Tweak & Edit PR Review program.
After following our advice, they’ve increased website conversion rates, tripled their Instagram following in a few months, increased newsletter open rates, secured top media features, and more!
Brands are in our Holiday Gift Guide Course.
They’ve earned features in Domino, Real Simple, The Wall Street Journal, The Strategist, Vogue, and more—building brand awareness, improving SEO, and making more sales at the most important time of year.
Small business owners enrolled in our newest offering: PR Masterclass Series.
With two sessions down and three to go, participants have gotten specific strategies to increase sales, take press-worthy photos, find media opportunities, and more! You can still join, here!
Designers, brands, creatives, and small businesses have done our 5 Day Pitch the Media Mini Course.
They’ve secured press in local and national outlets. If you’ve been following us for a while, but haven’t taken the jump, it’s a great place to start (and it’s only $25).
Growing businesses have signed up for our custom Media List & Opportunities Kit.
It’s a year-long PR strategy that’s 1/12 the cost of retainer PR. Our ML+OK clients have used this tool to land top features in Luxe, ADPro, Azure, Domino, Business of Home, and more!
Entrepreneurs have worked with us 1-on-1.
Together we’ve helped them refine brand messaging, take media-worthy photos, write successful pitches, launch new products, apply for awards, and, of course, get press in outlets like Surface, Interior Design, Clever, and more!
Growing companies across design and technology have worked with us as part of our Enterprise Services.
We’ve helped launch a start-up, built sales decks, secured industry awards, refined brand positioning, and created ongoing marketing content that supports growth and PR goals.
Last but certainly not least! 5,792 people subscribe to our free PR Newsletter.
Since 2020, we’ve sent 100+ editions with actionable PR and growth tips for small businesses. It’s been a labor of love since the beginning and we so appreciate your support.